Beetroot Jelly

Prep Time: 0:10
Cook Time: 0:00
Serves: 4

Ingredients / Shopping List

4 boiled beetroots
1 raspberry jelly
1 tsp balsamic vinegar

Prep to Cook:  Bowl, mixing bowl, vegetable knife, chopping board, measuring jug, spoon, dish for serving

Prep:  Slice the cooked beetroot taking care with the juice as it stains

Hold the beetroot with a fork and slice it into 4 thick slices
Dice each slice into cubes of about half a centimetre.
Place the diced beetroot in a bowl
Boil the kettle
Using a measuring jug pour 400ml water over a raspberry jelly tablet
Stir until dissolved
Stir in a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar (2tsp if you like vinegar)
Pour over the beetroot and stir gently
Pour into jelly moulds or serving dish
Place in the refrigerator and leave to set
Check it out!

Boiled beetroot has a wonderful colour and flavour. Setting beetroot in a jelly makes a special salad or accompaniment to cold meat and cheese. 

Recipe Science

Cooks Know How:  The boiling of beetroot leaves a characteristic smell that is easily recognisable.  If you can boil fresh beets use a deep sided pan and plenty of water.  Trim off the shoots and boil the beets until they are tender to a prod with a fork.  An alternate method is to cook them in a pressure cooker for about 15 minutes.  Cooking beetroot makes the sugars in them sweeter and the flesh softer.  Like all root vegetables the digestibility of a beetroot is improved.  Serving beetroot held in jelly is a wonderful way to show off its colour.  Raspberry jelly made more acidic by the addition of balsamic vinegar enhances the sweetness of the beetroot.  It holds the juices of the beetroot within the jelly.  Jelly is a technically a colloid, with a watery part and a solid part.  Quite magical. The jelly can be served in small dishes, individual moulds or simply served in a dish,